Director of the Perricelli-Gegnas Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Bucknell University
Storbeck Search | Diversified Search Group partnered with Bucknell University to conduct a nationwide search that resulted in the appointment of Erin Jablonski as the inaugural Director of the Perricelli-Gegnas Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation.
Jablonski joined Bucknell’s Department of Chemical Engineering in 2004 and has served as a faculty member in, as well as Interim Dean of, the College of Engineering.
“With her significant experience in entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership, Professor Jablonski emerged as the top choice in a very competitive field of candidates,” said Margot Vigeant, Co-acting President and Interim Provost. “She has launched several creative ventures to benefit both our campus and the community, leveraging her skills to create Bucknell’s summer engineering camp and the college’s EXCELerator program. Professor Jablonski also founded and serves as President of the Lewisburg Children’s Museum, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization run by a volunteer board, which offers Bucknell students numerous academic and civic engagement opportunities. Additionally, she has developed a patented product for manufacturability and founded a small software startup, where she serves as Chief Operations Officer.”